Atlanta Lutheran Via de Cristo: 1973-2024
Making disciples who make disciples.

The ENDING of Atlanta Lutheran Via de Cristo
Ending ALVDC. That is the hard part. The good part, the GOOD NEWS is that Jesus never ends; He died to save us, He LIVES and reigns forever! Endings are difficult, but many opportunities to worship and serve are available, so we can continue to rejoice in our Fourth Day!
We in the Secretariat have not come to this decision lightly, or quickly. It has been discussed and prayed over each time we’ve had to postpone or cancel an event. We as a community can continue to keep in touch in several ways:
- The Facebook page will continue so prayers and news may be shared
- Reunion and other small groups are more important than ever
- Ultreyas are still possible, less formally by enlisting a couple cursillistas, reserving your church, clubhouse or backyard, and inviting people to bring food and guitars
Our history as Atlanta Lutheran Via de Cristo is something to celebrate, so our March 9th 11:30 Ultreya! at First United Lutheran Church in Kennesaw will be a “Homecoming.” This will be an opportunity to worship and reconnect, and to remember that Christ is counting on us—on YOU. We hope you’ll be there! More information will be coming, but feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. Just remember God Loves You and So Do We!
“He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” Philippians 1:6
On behalf of Atlanta Lutheran Via de Cristo Secretariat
Chris Strudthoff
Lay Director